We Need Your Help

Operation Once in a Lifetime is getting numerous requests from soldiers and their families, especially with the holidays right around the corner.

We need help collecting toys for soldiers’ children for Christmas: you can make a donation so that a soldier’s child gets a gift for Christmas or to give toys already bought, drop us a note at contact@operationonceinalifetime.com and we can arrange for a pick-up.

Also, there is a great need to assist in flying soldiers home for the holidays. Again, you can donate financially or contact us at contact@operationonceinalifetime.com to give airline miles.

We have 150 soldiers from the 21st combat hospital that are returning from Iraq in December that are in need of twin size sheets, pillows, pillow cases, blankets and toiletries for their barracks. You can help these soldiers come back to more then a mattress by giving linens or making donations so that we can purchase them for our soldiers.

Many service members and their families that have fallen on hard times. There are service members’ families in need of certain medical expenses not covered under military health care; we have soldiers in need of help with their mortgages, rent, electric bills and other essential bills. Your donations will also help soldiers in these difficult circumstances.

Thank you for your continually generous and faithful support!

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Operation Once In A Lifetime

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