Operation Once in a Lifetimes 7th Annual Closure Trip
Operation Once in a Lifetime takes 50 Veterans & Active Duty Military to Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day Weekend for our 7th Annual Closure Trip.

Once in a Lifetime reenlistment ceremony
Operation Once in a Lifetime helped make a special dream come true for a group of soldiers (35 soldiers) reenlisting in the military — one soldier was promoted and all of them happened to be big time Dallas Cowboys fans. We helped coordinate their reenlistment and promotion ceremony at the Star in Frisco, TX (Cowboys headquarters and practice facility) and provided a VIP lunch for those soldiers in the private Dallas Cowboys “Cowboys Club” where they got to meet 3-time Super Bowl Champion, Darren Woodson and viewed the practice fields.

Just in time
Operation Once in a Lifetime helped make a special dream come and reunion come true by purchasing a flight home for a soldier (CPT Poe, currently deployed in support of NATO) to watch his son compete in his very first adaptive race since losing his leg due to cancer.