A Note from Sgt. Sowers

Thank you to all that donated last year.  You have made it a record year for us; not just in donations, but a record in the amount of soldiers and their families we have been able to help.  As a soldier I can’t express our gratitude enough; thanks for supporting us and our families.
Sgt Patrick Sowers
Founder, Father, Soldier
P.S. Please read below for the letters from the wife of an airman that you have helped.
My name is Victoria and my husband is SrA (e4) in the USAF. The past two duty stations we have been very far away from our families — once in Alaska and now in South Dakota which makes travel very costly to us. My husband would love more then anything to be able to get home, real home!! For Christmas this year, however, that is 1,300 miles away. With only 1 income (his), I stay home to raise our son because daycare is just way to much, making this trip will really stretch the budget. We live paycheck to paycheck as it is and setting aside the extra $350 or so it would take to get home and back would be very hard.
He has not spent Christmas day w/ his mom and dad in 5 years. I want to make this wish come true for him but really don’t know how. We have worked so hard not to be in debt but money just doesn’t pop out of thin air. We are doing the best we can but just never seem to be able to get ahead to have the money to get home. He spent half the year being deployed missing our son’s 1st birthday, his first steps and first word. I can’t make that up to him but if there was any way you would be able to help me get us home for Christmas it would be the world to not just my husband but to are whole family.
Thank you for your time


I just wanted to thank you once again for making the holidays wonderful for us this year by helping us get home for Christmas! We appreciate it so much! It was by far one of the best holiday seasons we have had yet.
Thank you,
Vickey, Tim and Tyler
Proud Air Force Family


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Aid Brigade
Operation Once In A Lifetime

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