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Hurricane Harvey

Operation Once in a Lifetime is doing our part to support those affected by Hurricane Harvey by donating needed items to Texas National Guard units who in turn distribute those items to those in need.

So far Operation Once in a Lifetime has given over $17,000 in new plush blankets and more.

Also our Dallas Based Support Your Troops Center is taking in donated items for those evacuees relocated to the DFW area, where they can get needed items like clothing and toiletries for free.

We are also focusing our efforts in supporting the soldiers participating in these relief efforts and their families.

If you would like to help support those in need as well as our military you can make a tax deductible donation HERE.

TX National Guard heroes at work

Closure Trip

Operation Once in a Lifetime takes 30 Veterans on our annual “Closure Trip” to Arlington National Cemetery. Thank you to everyone who supported this program!

Recent Stories

Here are just a few stories of OOIAL’s work for our military men and women…

Operation Once in a Lifetime, with the help of the IICF, Mr. Curtain and Mr. Skovran, was able to grant a very special once in a lifetime wish for an Active Duty US Airman suffering from terminal cancer. Sgt Nathan Patrick and his family have never been on a family vacation and asked if we could help create some lasting memories for their family by visiting Disney World. Wish granted!



Operation Once in a Lifetime was able to provide an emergency grant to CW2 Holsey during his time of need in a family emergency. This amazing and inspiring soldier was the first active duty soldier to return to active duty service after losing his leg in combat. He inspired us even more when, weeks after giving him aid, he joined Operation Once in a Lifetime’s Aid Brigade and now donates monthly to support his fellow brothers and sisters in arms.



Navy Seal Devon Grube dedicated his life to serving and protecting others. When he lost his life, his fellow brothers came to us to see how we could create some smiles on the faces of his kids and asked if we could help surprise them with a play-set in their backyard. We presented his family with Fort Grube.


Your OOIAL donations go a long way in helping those in need!

Aid Brigade
Operation Once In A Lifetime

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